Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Come on over!

New Site New Blog


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Please come with me...

Hi everyone, I FINALLY have a new and awesome website. Can you PLEEEEEASE come over and follow mw there? I am updating artwork regularly and there is a built in blog that I will be using from now on. So stop on over, look around, leave a comment. Can't wait to see you there.

Sunday, June 03, 2012

I would really love it if you would come over and check out my new site. Look at some art, leave a comment or two, drop me an email from the site, hire me to do some freelance. Thank you all.

Friday, June 01, 2012

Hey everyone, I just launched a new, real personal website. Please come visit me over here:

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

More Sketchbook Goodies

I love my sketchbook

Whether waiting for my class to show up, during church or watching TV, my sketchbook is always there.

SD Here I Come!

If you didn't know, I am in a show sponsored by Cartoon Network and Curated by the amazing Mark Murphy. I did a ton of sketching for this thing and even did an entire drawing only to decide on something different. Thought I might show the "rejected by me" image. If you are at San Diego Comic Con this year, please find us at the 20th Anniversary Cartoon Network Show.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

My friend Kyle has written a book. If you don't know him yet you should. He is a brilliant and hilarious writer with some very good insights into what it means to live a, as he puts it, good story. He was also the the man who wrote the story for the Plug and the Paddywhacks app. on the iPhone and iPad. Here is the cover I drew for him (sans type and such).
You can go to his Kickstarter page and get a copy. You will thank me for it.

Sunday, March 04, 2012

I am a day late but I actually wanted to think about this. Ralph McQuarrie died this week. His paintings were amazing and as a kid, I loved looking at them in all of the Star Wars books I owned. I even have a poster of Luke and Vader in a lightsaber duel. My students ask why it looks so different that the real thing. Now that I have done the concept work for my own project, I appreciate even more what he did. I hope to meet him in heaven some day so I can thank him.

Thursday, March 01, 2012

I have been doing the digital color on these things now for a while. Felt good to go back and recolor this thing with watercolor. My scanner sucks though so it is hard to get colors exact. Or maybe, I suck at scanning! Ha.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

I was in a meeting in our school library today and tried some crayons out on a terrible drawing and it looked better. Then I got to thinking, if they can make a bad picture look good, what would they do to a good one. And...voila!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Time and desire

So sad that we often never have the time to pursue what we are really passionate about. I love teaching but often spend my day daydreaming about making art. Maybe it makes me more productive...I don't know.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Lumberjacked Up

Had a lot of fun drawing this one. I still have to scan and color it and then watercolor the original but So far so good. Seems like a lot of my pictures come back to the theme of consequences. Hmmmm.
I was really surprised to see that views of the blog has had a spike in the last couple of days. I wanted to say thank you all for checking things out. I wanted to share a sneak preview of a picture that I am working on called 13 crazy cars. I am thinking about designing a number book for kids and this would be included. We'll see. Hope you enjoy. Please feel free to leave comments and ideas. BTW, If you live here in Springfield, I would love to talk about forming some kind of collective art project. Let's get it together and see if we can use art to make this a nicer place.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Back to writing

Ok, I know that nobody is reading this thing yet but hears to hoping. Perhaps you will do what I do. Find an artist's blog (mine) and read all the posts back to the beginning. If so, you will now be reading this. Greetings. Lately, I have gone back to my old way of working using just lines without the brush. I have had so much fun doing it and by combining digital with it, I can do all sorts of fun things to it. I Just finished a cool drawing of 3 totem people (you will see soon) on a skateboard. I drew them in my giant Moleskine watercolor book and will scan the original for digital color and archiving but I can also then do a watercolor painting in the book for display at a later date. Working this way suits me. I have a lot of flexibility with the output and no restrictions about how I make images. I wonder how many other artists struggle with this kind of stuff and what they do to overcome these mental blocks. My friend Rick Nickel has never struggled with it and I have always, truth be told, been a little jealous. I tahnk him greatly for his insight and friendship over the years. BTW, go check out his ceramic and digital work. It is awesome.

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

I have recently added a bunch of new work over on my Flickr account but my fancy new widget ain't working! Please come see me here.

I'm back!

Going to be writing on this blog only. Please check out my flicker page and friend me on facebook.