Sunday, October 08, 2006

Three days and an atheist

Ok, so here's another page for issue 2. It isn't complete as I have not yet added this to the other elements of the page. I have also included a couple details. I got a graveyard built in my front yard. I will post some pictures soon.


SEAN said...

Hey Chris, i'm "blogging" again! Gotta do the ranting & raving. Yes indeed. Anyhow, i like all the stuff on here, your cartoon style rules the 7 seas. Only one thing, the words don't fit! They're so mundane... maybe that is the charm? I don't know. Either way, you still owe me some drawings.
pobox 12044 Eugene. OR 97440

Unknown said...

Really? e.e. cummings wanted to be a cubist painter? I did not know that!

Mostyn said...

thanks everyone. I have really enjoyed going back to drawings and zines. Thanks for looking. Please tell people about the site. Thanks