Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Into the fire

Well, the first of my clay work went into the kilns tonight. They should be done by Friday and I can see how well they turned out. If they survived. I plan on keeping a journal about the process and how things came out. I really love this. In only 2.5 days I made 8 pieces. 3 of them were made today alone. It is amazing to me that everything I have ever learned about art can be applied in clay. I would like to show these in galleries but I might also sell them at art festivals and craft fairs. I have heard that they have alternative craft festivals, which includes cool art and no duck-covered toilet paper dispensers. YAY! I hope to post some pics this weekend. Check back Sunday.

1 comment:

Momma Sand said...

It's great to see you broadening your horizons. Can't wait to see the pictures. You continue to peak my interest in what's coming up next.